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Bouncebacks! (the original)

Released in 2006 and updated with an additional chapter in 2018, this is the book that started the craze (ok, maybe that is a bit of an overstatement), but seriously, I keep seeing shades of these 30 cases in the histories of my patients, and I keep thinking, “how have I ensured that they don’t have ____???”

Case-based for most effective learning and retention (these cases are the original documentation recorded in the chart), Bouncebacks helps emergency physicians sharpen their analytical skills to improve patient safety. The illustrative cases educate emergency physicians in documentation, risk management, and evaluation and management of common ED complaints and diagnoses.

Although patients in these cases were not entirely mismanaged, often important "red flags" were missed or ignored. The cases are structured for most learning impact: documentation of initial visits; Greg Henry, MD, FACEP (past president of ACEP) comments on evaluation and documentation from medical and risk management perspectives; final ED visits, diagnosis and hospital/surgical courses; and national experts' referenced discussions of appropriate ED approaches to diagnosis and management.

Goals include patient safety, continuing education in documentation, risk management, and discussion on evaluation and management of common ED complaints and diagnoses.

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Bouncebacks: Testimonials (click for additional testimonials)

The cases are lucid and lively; even the drawings that accompany them give the patient a presence on the page. The legal analysis by Dr. Henry is… reflective of how an experienced medical-legal consultant dissects the strengths and weaknesses of cases… I would recommend this book for both residents and practicing physicians.

Book review, Annals of Emergency Medicine 2007

David Sklar, MD

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